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Version: 0.6.0



A class that implements a dynamic task executor for processing consumer records.

The DynamicTaskExecutor class extends the StreamExecutor class and provides functionality for running a tasks in parallel using asyncio.Task.


def __init__(self, throw_exceptions: bool = False, max_buffer_size: int = 100000, size: int = 100000) -> None

Create an instance of DynamicTaskExecutor


  • throw_exceptions: Flag indicating whether exceptions should be thrown ot logged. Defaults to False.
  • max_buffer_size: Maximum buffer size for the memory object stream. Defaults to 100_000.
  • size: Size of the task pool. Defaults to 100_000.


def run(self, is_shutting_down_f: Callable[[], bool], generator: Callable[[], Awaitable[aiokafka.structs.ConsumerRecord]], processor: Callable[[aiokafka.structs.ConsumerRecord], Awaitable[NoneType]]) -> None

Runs the dynamic task executor.


  • is_shutting_down_f: Function to check if the executor is shutting down.
  • generator: Generator function for retrieving consumer records.
  • processor: Processor function for processing consumer records.


  • None